Saturday, February 12, 2011

Should the LA Dodgers be able to play with Brooklyn uniforms?

Dem bums! Los Angeles Dodgers exploit Brooklyn roots — again!

Check out the link above. The LA Dodgers are planning to play 6 games next season with throwback Brooklyn uniforms. Right now LA fans can vote for either the 1911, 1931, or classic 1940's Dodgers uniform. Needless to say, many old school Brooklyn fans are not happy with the "exploitation" of the borough that was left out in the cold. What do you think? Is this a nice tribute to the origins of the team or insult to injury for Brooklyn?


  1. I think the Dodgers get a raw deal. They didn't leave Brooklyn, they were kicked out.

    Stupid Moses and LaGuardia tried to strong arm O'Malley into moving the team to Queens. He didn't flinch and said "screw you guys, I'm taking my team somewhere else." So the Dodgers fans should take their beef up with the old NY politicians that screwed the city over and gave them the Mets as a substitute.

    That said, I think its a good thing that they honor the old tradition and acknowledge their roots in another city.

  2. While what you say is true, the team should have found a way to work it out. I think I'm bitter because it would have been more fun to be a Brooklyn Dodgers fan then it is being a Mets fan.
