Thursday, February 10, 2011

Christopher Lee = Idiot

I get the whole, you're a Congressman, part of the political game is all the extra tang you get, but do you have to be such a moron and put up pics on Craigslist trying to find tang?

The pic taken with his red smart phone while he's flexing is pretty hillarious.


  1. Why do we still have to hold on to his Puritan garbage? It's no use pretending that we don't like things when we really do. For example, weed should clearly be legalized. Also, so should prostitution (although I am not interested in it). Most importantly, monogamy and traditional marriage are ruining lives. It is unhealthy to live with someone and provide them with all of your physical attraction. Half of marriages end in divorce while the other half are miserable. It drives people, even successful politicians, to do incredibly stupid things like going on Craigslist and posting pictures of themselves with no shirt on.

  2. I think it is funny just because he is GOP, I think most politicians do crap like this.

    I agree with changing the laws, but I'm not sure about your analysis of marriage. I do think a ton of people get married for all the wrong reasons when they are not ready, and I do think it is not for everyone.

  3. He's a congressman. A politician wanting a new piece of action isn't anything new. It's part of what makes those guys what they are. Like all alpha personalities, they all like to dominate everything, including as much tang possible.

    What makes me laugh is that this butthole probably ran on some religious values ticket (like all the other GOP jackasses that end up getting caught with some dude in an airport bathroom or have some Argentinian mistress) and is a total fraud.

  4. Doesn't look like the same guy, unless he is using a older picture of him self when he was younger, which is a pretty bad move as well.
